Thursday, November 11, 2010

Giveaway: Result!

Congratulations to Mandy, who was the winner of the Hugely Large Ring! (Video draw did not happen because couldn't figure out how to get camera going - sorry - but I drew the winning entry out of a cereal bowl in the garden, with Mum and Charlie watching to make sure it was all above board, and I was wearing a purple t-shirt with a panda on it, for those who need to visualise.)

Mandy said in the entry comments, "That ring is blinding. I would use it for a proposal to my boyfriend at the Bon Jovi concert we're seeing in December. I think that's in keeping with the tone of it."

So no pressure, Mandy, but enjoy your proposal, especially if you get distracted and propose to Bon Jovi by accident!

I hope the ring makes Mandy as happy as this picture of sky dogs makes me.

In other news, I'm off to Auckland for the weekend tomorrow so blogging may be a bit sparse, but on the plus side today I learnt that there is a whole website dedicated to peeking inside other people's fridges.

I was inspired by this, so here's my fridge! You will notice I added some handy labels. You will also notice that we really need to go to the supermarket.

Much as I would like to write a long and highly entertaining post about a variety of deep thoughts* I really have to go to bed now because I am totally not organised for the weekend at all. I am still at the "where the fuck is my suitcase?" stage of packing, which is one of the earlier stages. It is such an early stage that it's almost like I haven't started packing at all OH WAIT that's exactly what it is like, that is exactly what has happened and also I have to iron everything, which I meant to do this evening but instead I chose to sit on the Internet and inspect the contents of other people's fridges and now I have to get up early and everything is ruined forever but it's OK because I have discovered Bill Kaulitz, my new favourite celebrity:

Dude looks like a lady.

He is my new favourite partly because he totally should have played that chick in Twilight, but also because his hair looks like this:
Seriously, how do you even get hair to do that? Look at it. It's ridiculous. It's like he's wearing a badger on his head, and the badger is awesome. One day I will have hair like that, and then I too will have hordes of screaming fangirls, and my own TV show, and a soft serve machine in the lounge, and-

and I have remembered where my suitcase is! Have a lovely weekend, everyone.

*thoughts like, "I bet Freud had a wiener dog"


Kama said...

Oh my god, he's the German equivalent to Adam Lambert, only more beautiful, and singing the kind of songs Adam should totally have been singing, ie. pop rock.

Thank you Ally, for giving me yet another guy in eyeliner to obsess over. Damn you.

Em said...

He is a very pretty girl. And looks like he is about 12 so I feel a bit pervy saying that.

Enjoy Auckland. I will keep an eye out for a girl in a onesie playing a brass instrument. But not in a stalkerish way...

Raquel said...

Hah! I win! I am half packed already and I don't leave until freaking Sunday! I can't believe I won't intersect with you in Auckland - life is TRAGIC.

IT IS ALLY said...

Kama - I knew you'd like him. You're welcome.

Em - It's ok, he's 21! I looked it up for you. Sadly I am travelling to Auckland in normal people clothes... this time.

Raquel - You can intersect with me anywhere, babe. Pffft hehehe.

Anonymous said...

This blog isn't that cool.

Anonymous said...

yeah this blog isnt awesome its just a regular blog and TROLLOLLLOLLLOLOLL!

Anonymous said...

Yeah I agree with them other two! This blog is dum as and its not very cool.

Anonymous said...


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