Saturday, December 05, 2009

19 More Sleeps*

*this is not technically true until I wake up tomorrow morning, but I got STD (shit to do) tomorrow & will not be blogging unless something IMMENSE happens which it probably won't.

I have just come back from seeing Where The Wild Things Are at the cinema. GO AND SEE IT. You'll laugh, you'll cry, if you're the man who was sitting next to me (yes, you in c17) you'll fart loudly in a quiet moment.

Honestly, though, it was SUCH A GOOD MOVIE. I was worried that as it was more or less marketed as a children's movie they were going to Disney it up, but it wasn't in the least hackneyed or commercial. There was no jive-talkin' animal, no evil villain, and no brick-to-the-face subtle moral message. Instead there were three-dimensional characters, beautiful photography, excellent CGI, a very well-cast lead actor and even a decent, if occasionally overly indie, soundtrack. It is a magical movie and you need to go and see it, even if you're meant to be at work. Go on! Off you go. It's not like you really do much work anyway. A word of warning, though: if you are emotionally affected by poignancy then take your tissues - five minutes in I was bawling like a little sissy girl. SUCH A GOOD FILM. Mascara all over face, but also smile all over face.

In other news, I'm going to update my blogroll (and find a new word for blogroll while I'm at it) - if you would like to be on it and think I might forget to add you please leave a comment (or email me if you don't want people to think you have a big head, you big-headed ponce). I'll try to remember to add everyone, as long as a) your blog isn't shit* and b) you obeyed my previous request and have gone to see Where The Wild Things Are. But if I don't add you (don't worry, I am sensing that none of you really care by this point) it is probably not because I think your blog is shit, it is probably because I have forgotten you (and therefore think your blog is shit). Just leave a comment, or email me. It's easier that way. Even if that's not the way you're meant to do it. WHATEVER. You get the point.

*but if you do have a blog about actual real faecal shit then do email me because that sounds like it might be interesting, or at least briefly novel.


aleph_naught said...


Also the captcha for this comment is 'cadvert'. This is not a real word but it ought to be. Like, an old fashioned word for the kind of open demonstration of douchebaggery that one regularly sees in town on a Saturday night.

Holly said...

Hmm, maybe I will have to go and see that, at some point when I have time!

Have a fun Santa Parade today, here's hoping you manage to avoid getting anything thrown at you by bratty little kids!

Jill said...

I don't know... I liked Where the Wild Things Are, but I felt a little too LOOK AT THESE DEEP THEMES.

Also, you have "STD?" That's hilarious.

Baglady said...

hehhheh hehe

Chris Rees said...

Marcus went to see WTWTA one my behalf, with his class at school. Review: it took too long to get to book-story.

Although my blog is piss-poor I would be delighted to be in your Blogford Files (that's my suggestion - weak as).

Unknown said...

Hope it wasn't one of those ear penetrating squealers...

It leads the embarrassment on for to long...

Yes, I have nothing really to add to this post...