You know how I said I was going to give away a piñata and you thought it was just one of my crazy exaggerations?
Well it wasn't.
I am giving away a piñata! Possibly shaped like a little donkey, depending on what shapes the piñata store has in stock. It will come with candy inside it because that is what you do with piñatas! It is for you*. If you would like to go into the draw, all you need to do is leave a comment!** Entries will be open for a week, and then there will be a VIDEO DRAW RIGHT HERE on the BLOG. I'm excited. Are you excited? I'm excited. Go on, enter. You could take it to a party or give it to someone with children or use it as art or just open it up and eat all the candy while watching back episodes of Grey's Anatomy. I won't judge.
Entries welcome from regular commenters, irregular commenters, people who have never commented before (don't be shy, then you'll never win a piñata), and those of you who have almost commented many times but then the toaster popped and you didn't want your English muffin to get cold and by the time you had found the jam you had forgotten the thing you were going to say. Good luck!
*Just one of you. I am not giving you all piñatas, don't be mad.
**Doesn't matter if you don't have a Google account - just comment anonymously with your name (however, this is not an excuse to comment ten times with different names).
EDIT: There seems to be a feeling that being further overseas than Australia means piñata-shaped victory is out of your reach. Not so! I totally have a plan for getting a piñata to overseas winners, so don't hesitate to enter. As Claire said: what a wonderful surprise gift event it would be, the gift of mindless violence ending in confectionery.
If I win I'm going to donate my piñata to the sea turtles in the Gulf of Mexico
OMG. a pinata.
Hope you're feeling better today! Blue eyeshadow can do that to a girl...
wv: ingon: john-mayer-shaped pinata, whacked gleefully by anti-douche crusaders around the world. Now, now, one whack at a time, people. We can't all go at once!
Just don't get one that's shaped like a whale. Too soon.
After a quality afternoon at the Auckland Koru lounge slagging off corporates with their walk powered cellphones (yes we all know you are important and have important phone calls dumbarse)I got home to a freezing house needing to go to my happy place only find a pinata contest - OMG! Most excellent.
Ooh! Me! I want a pinata! :D
Are you serious? (How cool is that?) - Where can you buy a pinata? (And how do you do this n with the wave on top without copying it from someone else's post?)
hahahaha,love a pinata!I smashed the hell out of one for a birthday..I'm too old to remember which one....I could do another one,though.I'll beat it with a stick whilst starkers.
I'm not entering. Because I still have post-traumatic stress from the pinata we had at Five's birthday party. Five-year-olds with sticks trying to bash a pinata = bad idea. And clearly, I had not had enough to drink.
Btw, I am not opposed to lollies. Maybe I should enter pinatastravaganza for the lollies. Lollies may be just what I need to get over that horrifying pinata chapter in my parenting career. But, no.
Also, did you know that the pinata doesn't come filled with lollies? You have to fill it yourself. Just sayin'. xx
If by candy, you mean Sports tickets, Real Estate, Movies, Cash or porn. Or something meaty to eat then sign this fella up for the freebie.
Now this is something you don't see everyday. A donkey with candy coming out of it's butt!! HA! Well close to his butt!! Anyway what a fun giveaway!!
My grandkids would love it
oooh what a perfect excuse for a Piñata party! I'm sure we can invent an excellent drinking game that somehow involves the Piñata....
Do they have pinatas at Cinco de Mayo? If so, what is that festival about because all I can think about is seagulls eating mayonnaise.
It's finally here! OMG I want a fucking pinata from you so bad. Can you bring it over to me personally so we can kick the shit out of it together and then eat all the candy, drink some wine and get sick and watch bad movies on tv??? PLEASE!!
We can do it in my building parking lot and rival the other house that always freaking has a pinata and parties and beer and margaritas.
I would love a pinata but then you would have to ship it all the way to the US and that would cost way more than the pinata, so I don't think I have a chance.
I LOVE your blog. You should write a book. And I'm not just saying that because I want a pinata.
I agree with Beth about writing a book. I'd buy it. I'd buy it twice.
Also, I'd like to enter but I live in London, so again postage would be loads. If I win I'd like you to buy yourself one and have lots of fun with it in my honour :)
Ooh, me gusta piñatas.
Our piñata shop stocks oñe that looks just like an ordiñary womañ. "Hit the womañ, kids! Hit her! The oñe who hits her hardest gets the choccies!" (You need to type option-n, then just n).
I think whoever wins should have to make a video of themselves beating the fuck out of it. Blindfolded and wearing leather chaps.
If I win you have to send it to me here in the States. It will probably arrive smashed in pieces. The last time I sent anything your way [okay, Australia, close enough] the Aussie customs peeps tore it apart looking for drugs, so I can only imagine what US customs will do to a pinata since lately anything Mexican has become suspect. And a hollow donkey full of candy has to be totally off the charts.
But enter me anyway.
A pinata! Amazing!!
Count me in! You always make me chuckle.
I'm excited. I'm so excited I gonna start shitting confetti. And lollies. Mmm.
I get excited by those squiggly lines over "n" that make them all "nya".
weeeeeee! i hope i win! For two reasons:
- i just want to see your first ever video draw/blog post
- i want to see if indeed it really is possible to BUY A PINATA IN CHRISTCRHUCH.
Haha, what a marvellous prize!
But you'd have to ship to the UK/Ireland for me, so I reckon that puts me out of the running.
I'm just showing my support for a stellar prize-giving idea. And thanking you for reminding me of the existence of pinatas. I've never really considered them before, but now think they'd be a fantastic and/or ridiculous addition to any birthday!
I doubt most people here have even heard of pinatas, let alone seen one in the papier-mache flesh. So, what a wonderful surprise gift event it would be, the gift of mindless violence ending in confectionery. :D
The last time I had a pinata was in the 2nd grade and the head came flying at me like a high velocity version of Godfather. It could be fun to get back at one of those things.
(btw, I live in the U.S. too, so enter me at your discretion)
Yeah, this is the best blog giveaway ever. If I ever make it to Australia my #1 goal will be to hang out with you because you must be SO FUN.
I think that it would be the best prize ever and just in time for my birthday party in July.. it would help make it a Mexican Fiesta theme!! How great would that be?! Aye Aye ( said with a mariachi accent)
A pinata? An ACTUAL pinata?! Well you can count me in. If I won, I'd throw a pinata party. You could come if you like. (That's not blackmail. Unless it would help me win ...???)
Me Me Me Me Me Me
What kind of candy does it have?
It could take me forever to sift out the nice ones.
I almost commented sooooo many times. The pinata has won me over as it is the national, um, icon of Upper Christchurch previously known as Auckland. No more lurking for me and postage will be low. Win/win...
I don't want that pinata.
Not even a little.
I'm not entering, because I still have post-traumatic stress from that time a pinata raped me.
Omg, I need a piñata stat! Lol...totally original and great! Count me in! :D. I'm a newbie, by way of Steam Me Up Kid.....so blame her if I do something weird....lol
Please stuff the pinata with Ambien and Margartias if I win. That is all. Thank you.
I lurk and lurk and never comment, but the opportunity to win a piñata has totally convinced me to comment, I'm a sucker for free things.
(Also, love your blog, you are hilarious.)
I would love to win that pinata. And I won't be sharing or donating it to anyone. It will be my pinata.
I want a pinata! My friends boyfriend is Mexican and it would be awesome to be able to mock him about his culture in a new way, the 'old el paso' jokes are getting a little old.
Yeah, I'm totally one of the "put something in a toaster, go to comment, oh shit what's the smokey stuff coming from the kitchen?" commenters. Or more realistically, I go off to hunt the wild flocks of chocolate. Wooo, pinatas! O for Orsum :)
I want a pinata!
But I think I would need to blindfold him before I hit him with a stick.
I don't think I could smash it too bits if I had to look him in the eyes.
YES PLEASE!!! This excites me. I've found the other comments on this post most amusing. We should all party. Together. It would be awesome.
If I win the pinata I'll come choose it with you!!!!!!!!!! (I'll probably come with you anyway and we will get subway!) :)
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